Docstringの記法 ================================= Docstringとは --------------- * Pythonコードの関数などの仕様を記載するための記述 * トリプルクオートで囲う * reStructuredText記法で書くことが可能 * reStructuredTextスタイル,Numpyスタイル,Googleスタイルの3つ reStructuredTextスタイル --------------------------------- reStructuredTextスタイル:: :param path: The path of the file to wrap :type path: str :param field_storage: The :class:`FileStorage` instance to wrap :type field_storage: FileStorage :param temporary: Whether or not to delete the file when the File instance is destructed :type temporary: bool :returns: A buffered writable file descriptor :rtype: BufferedFileStorage :param path: The path of the file to wrap :type path: str :param field_storage: The :class:`FileStorage` instance to wrap :type field_storage: FileStorage :param temporary: Whether or not to delete the file when the File instance is destructed :type temporary: bool :returns: A buffered writable file descriptor :rtype: BufferedFileStorage Numpyスタイル --------------------------------- Numpyスタイル:: """Example function with types documented in the docstring. `PEP 484`_ type annotations are supported. If attribute, parameter, and return types are annotated according to `PEP 484`_, they do not need to be included in the docstring: Parameters ---------- param1 : int The first parameter. param2 : str The second parameter. Returns ------- bool True if successful, False otherwise. .. _PEP 484: """ """Example function with types documented in the docstring. `PEP 484`_ type annotations are supported. If attribute, parameter, and return types are annotated according to `PEP 484`_, they do not need to be included in the docstring: Parameters ---------- param1 : int The first parameter. param2 : str The second parameter. Returns ------- bool True if successful, False otherwise. .. _PEP 484: """ Googleスタイル --------------------------------- Googleスタイル:: """Example function with PEP 484 type annotations. Args: param1: The first parameter. param2: The second parameter. Returns: The return value. True for success, False otherwise. """ """Example function with PEP 484 type annotations. Args: param1: The first parameter. param2: The second parameter. Returns: The return value. True for success, False otherwise. """